

Childrens Stories About Trees

Children's stories about trees is an amazing story. Kids are definitely going to enjoy ready it. Keep reading the story of tree till the end!

Childrens Stories About Trees

Once, there lived four Cocks and three Sparrows in a forest. They all were the best companions of each other. They all meet every day and together they fly around from one place to another. The Cocks would continuously look for the meal and in the meantime, the Sparrows search for a place to make their nests.

One day, the Cocks told, “Let’s explore the other part of the forest.  Someone told us there are lots of foodstuffs to eat here.” After listening to cock, they all agreed to go in the other side of the forest.

The new part of the forest was extremely elegant and there was also numerous food. However, the only problem is there was only one large tree. The Sparrows and the Cocks both wanted to live there.

The Sparrows told their all family members i.e. aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and friends about the new place. Everyone wanted to stay there. The Cocks also did the same.

Soon, a major big fight arose among the birds. The Cocks said, ‘We searched the place first, so we are going to live on the tree.” The Sparrows said, “So what? We all will live there. We found the tree first.” After all this, the three Sparrows and four Cocks could not be friends anymore.

 They continuously keep on fighting with each, “You Cocks are very bad.” “You Sparrows are so foolish!” One day, a major storm came and the large tree fell down. Thus, they went back to their own kind and lived happily together.

Birds of a feather stayed together.

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