

Be Content Story

Are you looking for some stories for your children? If yes, then read be content story will give you a very beautiful moral.

be content story

Mother eagle built her nest in a high branch of a thick banyan tree. She laid many eggs. After some days the eggs hatched and little eaglets came out. Mother eagle was a strong bird. She had big wings she kept her brood warm with her wings. she brought food and fed them.

When the birds were growing, one little eagle looked down. It saw the lovely flowers and green grass. Some peacocks spread out their tails like a fan and danced. The little eagle thought it was a wonderful sight. It said to its mother, "I am so ugly. I want to look just like that peacock. Bring me a pretty tail."

Mother eagle patted her baby and said, " You are a little prince. You are much better than those peacocks. You can fly very high. The peacocks can not fly like you." The little eagle was listening. Mother eagle continued, "After some days your wings become strong. You will have big feathers and wings. Then you want to be an eagle or a peacock ?" 

"I want to be an eagle," said the little bird happily. 


Be content with who you are and don't envy others.

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